We are marking the calendar for Thursday March 21st with a new single release! Scott and I are releasing “14 Miles of Bad Road” and I have more brand new songs being released in April, May, and into June on all major platforms, culminating into a new album later this year x There are also videos so it’s an all new Spring fever.
I am singing and playing keyboards, with Scott Dailey on strong and wild guitar, bass and backing vocals, Lauren Johnson on drums, Jason Charboneau on cello, Chris Spooner on baritone bass, Ron Wolf on percussion, Chuck Alkazian at Pearl Sound for the drum sessions and Warren DeFevre at Third Man Records Detroit for the mastering. Also, special thanks to Erin Zindle for the incredible video work for the songs!
I’m also working on another two new songs and a new poetry and prose book. So my blog right here will feature the links to the new songs as well as video premieres on YouTube for each. And there will be news on radio interviews and airplay, too, coming up soon on NPR Detroit WDET-FM 101.9 and much more.

And a really fun show is coming up at The Trinity House Theatre with Mary McGuire, Laura Rain & George Friend, and Scott and me – hope you can join us on Friday night April 19th 2024 at 8 pm in Livonia, Michigan, about 10 minutes from Detroit proper. It’s going to be a soulful, rock and roll feast of a performance! Details here at https://www.trinityhousetheatre.org/event/carolyn-striho-and-scott-daily-laura-rain-and-george-friend-and-mary-mcguire-april-19-2024/
“14 Miles of Bad Road” is a rock and roll number that builds on guitar with a sneaky organ and and a bluesy feeling underneath. We’ve got a counterpoint singing in the verses and a wild fuzz guitar solo searching in the middle built on piano and guitar, with a hard, hard road.
And in April, we’re also releasing the song “Blue Ridiculous Love” (written by Scott and me) , and all single releases will be available digitally on Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud and Amazon, etc., but also as new videos on YouTube. Yes! We will eventually have a CD/viny release party as the songs will be available this Fall at shows, too.

While we had a huge end of the year at the end of December 2023 with many shows and television appearances, it’s almost Spring and time for all new! I’m updating so much right now.
Thanks for the love, support and patience!
Carolyn, Scott and the Carolyn Striho Group ) x