“Detroit (Maiden Energy)” is included the 2022 Best Spoken Word Album in the 64th annual Grammy Awards (R) first round of voting. ”Detroit Maiden Energy” is written and narrated by me, with a big thank you to my publisher Heather Buchanan and Aquarius Press who encouraged me to do the audiobook, to my wonderful husband/guitarist, Scott Dailey, who engineered, listened and provided the photos, and Jim Kissling who did the mastering at Tempermill studios. Please take a listen on Spotify, I Tunes or Soundcloud, and thank you For Your Consideration in the 64th Annual Grammy Awards for 2022.

I have spent years living in the City of Detroit, from my birth to my teen years, then back again for many decades. I wanted to put in some of my rock and roll life into a sort of memoir, and this seemed the best way right now through some of my lyrics and poetry, until I can sit down and completely work on the memoir. It is started, but in a Detroit rock and roll world of a Detroit musician through my many decades, there is a lot to tell. What about those times? What made them so wildly crazy and “outside of society” as Patti Smith said?
Well, first of all, I hope you do enjoy some of the lyrics and poetry from this first Volume. Without giving too much away, some of the stories and enounters I had in the City, through Michigan and the world, gave rise to the titles “Maiden Energy” and “Detroit Street Princess,” both. It was never an easy time – still isn’t – for a singer/songwriter and sensitive musician and performer to create a fiery stage each and every time. But that what was in my heart and it still is. “City Lights Music” gives hints, but maybe later, sit a spell to listen about the people I met and the onstage and backstage night stories…the shadows of a distant heart speaking to me to start.
Thank you, humbly, to all my influences, family and friends,, Freddie Brooks, my music family and my dear husband, Scott Dailey. xx
Love, the girl from Detroit (said Clive Davis on a NYC street!)
Carolyn Striho
“One of Striho’s most exquisite Detroit (Maiden Energy) pieces includes “Midnight Stars,” a haunting reflection of moving between life’s brightest and darkest moments while accepting the uncertainty of the road ahead. Striho beautifully recites, “Living in two when bright lights hurt/Bright sun blurts out a ribbon of resentment/I feel like I’ve got to run and get something to drink/Only not water/To shut down the sun that’s only good in the summer.” Lori Barnard Stratton, Current Magazine, Ann Arbor, Michigan 2020” https://www.ecurrent.com/music/carolyn-striho-new-audiobook/
“I truly adore this book…” Buchanan says. “It contains the heart and soul of a songwriter, a Detroiter through and through, who experienced the ebb and flow of life in this great city. Carolyn has seen a lot and been through a lot, but her spirit soars.” Buchanan describes Detroit (Maiden Energy) as “a poetic memoir set to music. It’s rock, it’s soul, it’s gypsy, Irish, Middle Eastern, French Canadian. It represents just about every cultural flourish imprinted upon this city. Every verse, whether it’s a song lyric or not, is musical.” Heather Buchanan, Aquarius Press Detroit – Publisher
“Detroit (Maiden Energy): Street Princess Poems & Lyrics, published in October by Detroit-based Aquarius Press, is a collection of singer-guitarist-pianist-songwriter Striho’s original lyrics and haunting personal introspections, amassed over decades of challenging and captivating audiences here and overseas. Striho remains an aggressive, melodic, wildly sensual force of nature in concert!” Jim McFarlin, Hour Detroit and Metro Times
“In her song lyrics and poetry, Carolyn Striho opens up her heart and her head, blending emotion and psyche into a brave and provocative look into herself and the world around her. Whether it’s direct or abstract, you get engrossed in her words without even thinking about it, taking the trip willingly and coming out the other side all the better for it.” –Gary Graff, Billboard/New York Times Syndicate
“Carolyn Striho is the personification of Detroit Rock energy, charisma, beauty and talent. On stage, she is a force of nature, but this collection of her poems and lyrics allows us to experience this dynamic artist in a more intimate and personal way. Carolyn Striho is long overdue for a book just like this!” —Ann Delisi, Host, Ann Delisi Essential Music, NPR Radio – WDET-FM