Hello for a hopeful, stay at home Thanksgiving! I’m celebrating the Audiobook release of Detroit “Maiden Energy” on Apple ITunes, GooglePlay, Scribd, Nook and Audible! Yes, it’s narrated by me of all people and I hope you like it. It seems like the time to listen to it, so check it out! https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details/Carolyn_Striho_Detroit_Maiden_Energy?id=AQAAAECcYQwhgM
Thanks for the nice interview in Ann Arbor’s Current Magazine and on The Stratton Playlist by Lori Stratton about my book, music and more. Here’s the interview: https://www.ecurrent.com/music/carolyn-striho-new-audiobook/ and soon to also be a new article on https://strattonsetlist.com/
And on Thanksgiving weekend, I’ll be doing a virtual performance on the Rochester Library Shop Small Saturday event and Sunday event! Check it at https://rhpl.org/authors-fair with more info at https://rochesterwriters.com/shop-small-saturday-author-fair/

There is new writing and tracking of new songs we’re recording at the home studio. I’m thinking we may be able to release the new material in late 2021, all willing I’m teaching full time, and it’s hectic virtually.I’ve included some more recent memories on this post for a sense of hope. And here comes winter on the heels of a great, historic election and the spiraling virus. So please wear a mask and stay safe! Love, Carolyn xo


Secrets and Space Album with Carolyn Striho, Luis Resto and Dave McMurray – Detroit Energy Asylum